Sunday, April 29, 2012

Massage and Asthma

Could These Non-Traditional Treatments Relieve Your
Asthma Symptoms?

by Beth W. Orenstein and medically reviewed by

Lindsey Marcellin, MD, MPH

Here's something I read online today. Remember, before you choose any alternative method to aid in asthma relief, please check with your doctor first.

"Massage therapy, another mind-body technique, brings relief to some people with asthma. Your massage therapist will work on your neck and ribcage to release tension in the muscles that facilitate breathing. “Studies have shown massage therapy can help some asthma sufferers in terms of balancing muscles and improving lung function,” says Amanda Lien, ND, a naturopathic physician in Oakland, Calif., although more studies are needed to confirm this. Additionally, massage therapy may alleviate some of the anxiety you feel about having breathing problems."

"Herbs, vitamins, yoga, acupuncture, probiotics, massage therapy" ... "these are just a few of the complementary medicine and alternative therapies people use to relieve asthma symptoms."

Every day we read about new treatments, techniques and information about our bodies and how they work. It's always fascinating to read that something as old as massage therapy can be so beneficial to so many people. I know it makes me breathe easier!

Let's talk. Maybe massage would be helpful for you and your asthma symptoms.

Massage Among The Guardians
Nancy Pezdek, Holistic Massage Therapist, LMBT# 11024

Thursday, April 19, 2012


I read an article from Duke Medicine 'connect' this week entitled "Don't let stress break your Heart". You may have read it too. If not, here are some excerpts from it:

"The human body's reaction to stress is a wonderful thing. Often called the fight-or-flight response, it uses hormones to kick your body into overdrive briefly and intensely to deal with potentially life-threatening situations."

"When a person is under life stresses frequently or chronically, the fight-or-flight response stays turned on constantly."


"Perhaps the most important skill to learn is recognizing what causes you stress, and nipping it in the bud immediately."

But please don't quit your job unless you have another one handy!

"What can we do to reduce chronic stress and its heartbreaking consequences? Coping skills and relaxation/meditation techniques are the keys to managing stress. The fight-or-flight response is a function of the sympathetic nervous system. Practicing meditation or relaxation techniques engages the parasympathetic nervous system and allows the body to begin to shut down the sympathetic nervous stress response."

In other words, you'll go from frantic to calm/calmer. Especially if you take slow, deep breaths.

"Simply removing yourself from the situation, even for just a few minutes, practicing deep breathing (hmmm...mentioned that one already), going for a brief walk or enjoying a short/long chat with a friend, colleague, or loved one" can help.

I would like to add getting a massage to deal with stress! Yes, a massage can also engage your parasympathetic nervous system to begin the relaxation process. In fact, you can become so relaxed that you may even fall asleep during your massage. And that's a good sign! When your body is relaxed it can rejuvenate, heal and recharge. In fact I fell asleep yesterday during a massage ... no I wasn't giving one but receiving one!

So add 'massage' to your 'reduction of stress plan' and call me at Massage Among The Guardians for an hour or an hour and a half session.

Can you say, "Ahhhhhhh ... "

Massage Among The Guardians
Nancy Pezdek, Holistic Massage Therapist, LMBT# 11024

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Lymphatic Massage

For those of you who have never experienced a Lymphatic Massage let me tell you what you are missing!

First of all, it is very soothing and rythmic. You will leave, after an hour, feeling light as air. You may even fall asleep during your massage. I encourage you to try it.

A Lymphatic Massage obviously targets the lymph in your body. It's interesting to note that your Lymphatic System is part of your Circulatory System (this includes your veins and arteries). But unlike your Circulatory System which has a pump (your heart), your Lymphatic System does not have one! Does that sound sluggish?

So, how does your lymph move in your body if it doesn't have a pump? One way is through exercise which makes your muscles contract which help your lymph move to where it needs to go in order for your body to then release it (and its' toxins). Another way is via a massage therapist who is trained in the technique of giving a Lymphatic Massage.

The reason a Lymphatic Massage is rhythmic is because it is very deliberate and slow. The therapist uses a softer, pumping stroke following a certain upward pattern from your toes to your shoulders bringing the lymph to targeted areas in your body along the way where it is then able to be released.

I'm getting relaxed just thinking about it!

It is one of my favorite massages to give clients. I have witnessed first hand, after an hour's massage, the swelling in a client's ankles remarkably reduced. The client had experienced swelling for over three weeks before coming to me.  I encouraged my client to put their feet up for another hour once they got home in order to increase the results. They were very relieved. They also saw improvement in their sinuses over the next few days.

So, if you have never experienced a Lymphatic Massage, it's about time you tried it! It's soothing, relaxing and you'll be on your way to better health in 2012. Let's work together to get rid of the toxins in your body that are weighing you down and keeping you from being tip top. Give me a call at 919.413.5245. Remember, if you take care of yourself, you can take care of the ones you love.


Massage Among The Guardians
Nancy Pezdek, Holistic Massage Therapist, LMBT# 11024